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Openly gay Robert Biedroń starts social movement against Polish conservatives

Written by gaytourism

Robert Biedroń during a Pride parade. | Photo: Facebook/Robert Biedroń

Robert Biedroń, the openly gay mayor of the Polish city of Słupsk, has founded a social movement to counter the conservative parties, his opponents in the run for presidency.

Biedroń has been for many years the only openly gay politician in Poland. Risen to popularity during a local election in 2014, he could now also become the country’s first president.

Robert Biedroń wants to be the alternative to PiS

Biedroń officiated ten marriages on 25 August. It might still be a long way to officiate same-sex marriages in Poland, where they are banned by law. | Photo: @robertbiedron/Instagram

In a video posted on Facebook on 3 September, Biedroń announced the establishment of his own social-political movement.

‘I want to change the face of our politics,’ the independent politician said.

He furthermore added: ‘It’s time for a successful alternative to PiS.’

Often abbreviated to PiS, Law and Justice is a right-wing populist, national-conservative, and Christian democratic political party in Poland. Current Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki comes from the ranks of PiS. After a shift to the right in 2015, PiS has gained an absolute majority.

Biedron also said he will announce his political program in full in February. His aim is to mobilize against the national-conservative government at the state level.

‘I know that you are disappointed by the weakness of the opposition and angry at the current government that is taking our land from us,’ said Biedron.

In polls, the local politician is one of the most popular candidates for president. Now Biedroń will retire from local politics. By the end of the year, he will travel to 40 Polish cities and talk about the political future of the country.

LGBTI rights in Poland

Robert Biedroń and Krzysztof Śmiszek smiling in a selfie. it is a close up shot they are both wearing big winter jackets and there is a body of water behind them

Robert Biedroń (L) and Krzysztof Śmiszek. | Photo: @robertbiedron/Instagram

Robert Biedroń is in a long-term relationship with lawyer Krzysztof Śmiszek. The two have been together for 16 years.

The politician has always been vocal about supporting his own community. He was, in fact, a former spokesperson of KPH, a major LGBTI organization in Poland.

Poland has still a discriminatory attitude when it comes to LGBTI rights. Same-sex couples can’t legally marry. Moreover, they can’t adopt children.

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