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Police arrest man for attacking trans woman in Portland

Written by gaytourism

Portland police arrested this man | Photo: Portland Police

Police in Portland, Oregon have arrested 38-year-old Timothy Emmett Walsh for attacking a transgender woman.

The Police Bureau first reported the arrest earlier today. Though the report does not include the victim’s gender identity, Sergeant Peter Simpson of the Portland Police confirmed to them she was transgender.

Walsh encountered the woman on Wednesday evening (25 July). The woman, 25, said she was walking with friends when Walsh rode by on a bicycle and made comments about ‘a man in women’s clothing’. He also made other comments regarding her sexual orientation.

When the woman responded, Walsh reportedly punched her in the face numerous times before riding away.

The woman then contacted the police and they responded. Upon arriving at the scene, officers were able to arrest Walsh at a nearby Greyhound Bus station ‘without incident’.

Walsh is now being held in jain on charges of Assault in the Fourth Degree and Intimidation in the Second Degree. Further, he violated parole as well.

A rise in incidents

Just last week, a man was caught on camera harassing and verbally abusing a gay couple in Portland.

In Idaho, authorities arrested a man who verbally abused a group of teens. He called them ‘half-breeds’ and ‘f*ggots’.

Earlier this month, a teen smashed-in the iconic windowfront of the Stonewall Inn.

All of these incidents are alarming, but it is important to remember that trans people, and especially trans women, face a disproportionate amount of violence and harassment. Last year was the deadliest year on record in the US for LGBTI people, with trans women suffering the worst.

So far this year, already 16 trans people have been killed by violent means.

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