GAY global news

Police warn to be vigilant at day of Pride in London, World Cup match

Written by gaytourism

Pride in London festival 2017

Police have issued a warning as both Pride in London and the next England World Cup match will take place Saturday (7 July).

The England vs Sweden game will take place during the Pride parade and festivities at 3pm.

Officers have reminded the public the threat level in the UK capital remains ‘severe’.

Warning before Pride in London and World Cup match take place on same day

A Metropolitan Police spokesperson told Gay Star News both operations will go ahead as planned.

Authorities have revealed there are no plans for any large screens for people to watch the game in central London.

They have asked anyone who is out and about on Saturday to ‘remain vigilant and report any concerns to police’.

Over 150 police officers and staff from across the Met will take part in this year’s Pride march.

They will be marching alongside colleagues from the London Ambulance Service and the London Fire Brigade.

A large number of high visibility police patrols, including armed and unarmed officers, will be in place. There will also be plain clothes officers deployed.

Threat level is ‘severe’

They said: ‘The current threat level remains at severe. We ask all attendees to be vigilant and report anything suspicious to police or stewards assigned to this event.’

Chief Superintendent Helen Millichap, Met spokesperson for the event, added: ‘As with any large event the Met’s priority is public safety and we are working closely with the organizers in the lead up to Pride to develop our policing plan.

‘We want Pride to be a friendly, safe event for everyone to enjoy and to help us we need the public to take the usual precautions by remaining vigilant and reporting anything of concern to police officers or stewards at the event.’

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