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Pope Francis Meets Catholic Nun Known for LGBTQ+ Ministry

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Pope Francis seated next to Sister Genevieve Jeanningros, LSJ, during a visit with circus workers outside Rome

Pope Francis has paid a surprise visit to a Catholic sister known for her pastoral work with LGBTQ+ people and circus workers.

Last week, Francis traveled to an amusement park in Ostia, which is near Rome on the Tyrrhenian coast. He was there to bless a statue of Mary under the title of “Our Lady, Protectress of Traveling Entertainment and the Circus” which is located at the park. The pope then met with some of the workers and their families, as well as Sr. Genevieve Jeanningros, LSJ. Reuters described the sister as “a French Catholic nun known for decades of work with the LGBTQ community,” and reported:

“Jeanningros, a member of the Little Sisters of Jesus congregation, is known for living in a caravan near the park, where she also ministers to the local circus community. . .

“In a June interview with the Vatican’s newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano, Jeanningros said she often comes to the Vatican on Wednesdays to attend the pope’s weekly audience. She said she frequently brings members of the LGBTQ community with her, to meet the pontiff as he greets the crowd.

“Asked by the newspaper about the pope’s reported use of the gay slur, Jeanningros said that, among her friends, ‘at first there was a bit of pain, but looking back they had a laugh and said, really, he’s not like that’.”

“What a great joy you give us!” Jeanningros told Pope Francis at the event.  Indeed, the pope’s visit was a source of much celebration for the community, whom Francis thanked for “making people smile” and later laughed along when some clowns and acrobats performed. Zenit reported of the event:

“The Holy Father was taken to a games room used for children’s parties and was received with thunderous applause. Surrounded by colourful cartoon characters, ball pits and candy machines, the Pope sat down and shared a moment full of joy with the community. In his brief address, he thanked everyone for their work and greeted several children and adults.

“One of the most emotive moments was when 9-year-old Oscar gave the Pope a carillon in the shape of a carousel and a letter with 5 euros to buy himself an ice cream. The Pope was also moved on hearing the personal stories of some of the families, showing his empathy and support at all times.”

Previously, Sr. Jeanningros joined a local pastor, Fr. Andrea Conocchia, in facilitating multiple meetings between the pope and transgender women whom they support. Jeanningros, whom the pope has known since 2013, said once that when she asked the pope if she could bring one person to the Vatican with her, Francis replied, “Bring them all.”

These meetings have been meaningful for the trans women and pope alike, who, during World Youth Day 2023, mentioned the audiences as an example of what it means to be a welcoming church and said the women were “daughters of God.” In 2023, the group of trans women accompanied by Sr. Jeanningros sat with the pope during a Vatican luncheon for the World Day of the Poor.

Throughout his papacy, Francis has lauded several women religious who serve the LGBTQ+ community.

The pope has written several letters to Sr. Mónica Astorga Cremona, a friend of his in Argentina who provides housing and other material support to trans women. Before his election, while Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, he told Sr. Monica that she should not “leave the frontier work you were given” because transgender women are “lepers of today.”

Pope Francis has also lauded Sr. Jeannine Gramick, co-founder of New Ways Ministry, whom he called a “valiant woman” in personal correspondence, and later received her, along with New Ways staff members, at an audience in October 2023.

Robert Shine (he/him), New Ways Ministry, August 5, 2024


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