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Pope Francis tells parents of LGBTI kids not to condemn their children

Written by gaytourism

Pope Francis | Photo: Casa Rosada via Wikimedia

Pope Francis gave advise to parents of LGBTI children during a visit to Ireland.

He was visiting the World Meeting of Families. The event took place in Dublin from 21 August to the 26 August.

Pope Francis attended the meeting in Phoenix Park on 25 and 26 August.

The Pope encouraged parents of LGBTI children ‘first to pray.’

He then continued to tell them in the video: ‘Don’t condemn, have a dialogue, understand. I’ll never say that silence is a remedy.’

The religious leader said that to ignore a child with ‘homosexuality tendencies’ is a lack of ‘paternity and maternity.’

Pope Francis then explained that ‘if you, father and mother, can’t manage to do it, let’s ask for help.’

He said that every child has the ‘right to a family’ so parents should not ‘throw them out of the family.’

The Pope finished be stating: ‘This is a serious challenge, it’s part of paternity and maternity.’

Pope Francis’ stance on LGBTI issues

There was controversy earlier this month after the Global Network of Rainbow Catholics (GNRC) was denied from taking part in the event. They  applied to attend in April and has finally heard from Paul McCann, Exhibition Co-Ordinator for WMOF.

McCann confirmed that GNRC has not been successful with the application. The decision is due to ‘uncertainties over the amount of space we will have available for exhibitions because of other logistical considerations’.

Co-chairs Ruby Almeida and Chris Vella replied, stating they hoped that it ‘had nothing to do with our work for LGBT equality.’

It was reported in May that the Pope told Italian bishops to reject gay applicants to the priesthood. Not long before, a gay man  alleged said the pope told him God loves him unconditionally.

Juan Carlos Cruz, who spoke privately with Francis God doesn’t ‘care’ he’s gay.

Cruz told Spanish newspaper El País that the Pope said: ‘Juan Carlos, that you are gay does not matter. God made you like this and loves you like this and I don’t care. The Pope loves you like this. You have to be happy with who you are.’

Pope Francis previously said gays can’t burn in hell because ‘it doesn’t exist.’ He is against same-sex marriage but advocates for civil unions for same-sex couples.

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