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Rome Pride attracts a 500,000-strong ‘Rainbow Brigade’ in Italy

Written by gaytourism

The ‘Rainbow Brigade’ banner leads the Rome Pride march (@romaprideofficial | Instagram)

Organizers of this year’s Rome Pride say 500,000 people participated in today’s event in the city.

The celebrations commenced at 4pm at the Piazza della Repubblica and passed such classic landmarks at the Colosseum.

The year’s Rome Pride theme was ‘Rainbow Brigade, Liberation continues’, signifying the country still has some way to go in embracing equality. Although civil unions are available to both same-sex and opposite-sex couples, marriage is not allowed for gay people. They can also not adopt.

Thousands attend Rome Pride

Photo: @romaprideofficial | Instagram

Organizers say they wanted to highlight the ongoing fight against all forms of prejudice and fascism.

Italy’s new government

Italy has faced political stalemate in recent months. Last week, it finally agreed a new Government following a March 2018 election in which no one party earned a ruling majority.

'Family is where love is' (Photo: @monicacirinna | Instagram)

‘Family is where love is’ (Photo: @monicacirinna | Instagram)

The new Government is headed by Giuseppe Conte. He has forged a coalition arrangement between the right-wing Northern League and Five Star Movement. Because of this, several Northern League politicians have landed Ministerial positions. One is the conservative Catholic Lorenzo Fontana.

He has been appointed Minister for Families. However, prompted immediate controversy following his appointment last week by saying ‘Rainbow families’ did not exist in the country.

The US Embassy was one of several embassies to take part in Rome Pride

The US Embassy was one of several embassies to take part in Rome Pride (Photo: @savinatessi | Instagram)

Because of this, many gay parents have taken to social media to post pictures demonstrating ‘we exist.’ Many were also evident, along with their children, at today’s Rome Pride parade.

Rome Pride 2018

‘To love is a human right’ (Photo: @niksce | Instagram)

One of the day’s special guests was 92-year-old Tina Costa. Costa was a member of the anti-fascist resistant fighters who fought to bring down Benito Mussolini during the Second World War.

Tina Costa has been fighting against facism all her life

Tina Costa, 92, has been fighting against facism all her life (@romaprideofficial | Instagram)

She and her partisan companions fought for women’s rights and against the deportation of gay men to internment camps on the islands of Tremiti. Costa told today’s crowds: ‘I don’t care who you love, people are all equal and should have equal rights.’

Rome Pride

Rome Pride (Photo: @sandro_esp | Instagram)

Check out more Rome Pride images below

A woman at Rome Pride 2018

Photo: @giuliavespoli | Instagram

Plenty of rainbow flags and families

Plenty of rainbow flags and families (Photo: @alefravo | Instagram)

A festival-goer aboard at a float at Rome Pride today

A festival-goer aboard at a float at Rome Pride today (Photo: @lucapulig85 | Instagram)

A float from the Canadian Embassy

A float from the Canadian Embassy (Photo: @emilianomonteverde | Instagram)

Two men at Roma Pride

Photo: @romaprideofficial | Instagram

Rome Pride wanted to create a 'Rainbow Brigade'

Rome Pride wanted to create a ‘Rainbow Brigade’ (Photo: @gatto_pazzo | Instagram)

Rome Pride

Photo: @giulygiulyf | Instagram

See also

Italy’s new right-wing Minister for Families says rainbow families ‘don’t exist’

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