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Roseanne apologizes to Valerie Jarrett for racist tweet, then jokes: ‘Get a haircut’

Written by gaytourism

Roseanne Barr says sorry to Valerie Jarrett, then tells her to get a haircut. | Photo: Fox News / YouTube

Roseanne Barr just apologized (again) to Valerie Jarrett for her controversial racist tweet two months ago.

But then in her very next breath, jokes that the former government official Valerie Jarrett needs to get a haircut.

In her first television interview since the controversy erupted in May this year, Fox News presenter Sean Hannity asked what Barr would like to say to Jarrett.

Barr turns to the camera and looks straight down the lens: ‘I’m so sorry that you thought I was racist. And you thought that my tweet was racist.

Racist tweet from Roseanne Barr

Photo: Twitter

‘Because it wasn’t – it was political. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding that caused my ill-worded tweet… I’m sorry that you feel harmed and hurt.

‘I never meant that and for that, I apologize. I never meant to hurt anybody or say anything negative about an entire race of people, which I think 30 years of my work can attest to,’ Barr said.

She looks visibly upset, as her eyes begin to well up and a tear rolls down her cheek.

As Hannity starts asking his next question, Barr interrupts: ‘Plus – I’d tell her she’s gotta get a new haircut. I mean, seriously, she needs a new haircut.’

Roseanne Barr: ‘I lost everything’

Throughout the interview, she explains the tweet was all a ‘big misunderstanding’.

She said: ‘I made a mistake [and] it cost me everything – my life’s work. I made a mistake and I paid the price for it.’

The reboot of her show Roseanne was canceled and a spinoff was created… with every member of cast brought back except Barr.

Roseanne Barr on Fox News

Photo: Fox News / YouTube

Barr then claims she didn’t know Valerie Jarrett was African-American. She assumed Jarrett wasn’t black because she was born in Iran.

‘Her skin tone is like mine,’ Barr said.

She explains the tweet was addressing Iran’s relationship with Israel – the latter Barr feels a strong personal connection to through her Jewish roots.

On Iran, Barr said: ‘I don’t think a state that kills gays and stones rape victims… where people don’t have drinking water and women have no rights – I don’t think that is like America.’

‘America is a place where I – a loudmouth, old, gorgeous Jewish woman comedian – am allowed freedom of speech,’ she said.

Watch the full interview:

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