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Royal Mail unveils rainbow postbox in Soho to celebrate Pride in London

Written by gaytourism

The very first postcard mailed today through Royal Mail’s rainbow postbox | Photo: Royal Mail

Londoners can mail their letters, postcards, and parcels in style this month. Royal Mail has unveiled a special rainbow postbox in the heart of London’s Soho today 5 July.

The postbox aims to celebrate the LGBTI community in the iconic area of the capital, just a few days away from the parade.

The traditional rainbow Pantone colors adorn the postbox in Soho | Photo: Courtesy of Royal Mail

The location of the new rainbow postbox

The location chosen for the rainbow makeover is Old Compton Street, as voted by Gay Star News readers in the survey we launched in June in partnership with Royal Mail.

The other two possible locations were Regent Street and Vauxhall Station.

Royal Mail’s Pride postbox is just a stone’s throw away from Pride in London pop-up shop. Inaugurated last June, this is the place where to buy everything rainbow ahead of the big day this 7 July.

Royal Mail delivers with Pride

Royal Mail employees will ‘deliver with Pride’ this Pride season | Photo: Courtesy of Royal Mail

Postwomen and postmen and key LGBTI figures joined the celebrations today.

The postbox will be in place for a month until 3 August. Until then, Royal Mail employees will deliver the city’s cards and letters ‘with Pride’, as this year’s slogan suggests.

‘We are proud to celebrate all forms of diversity in the workplace and are committed to creating a working environment where everyone can bring their whole selves,’ said Andreyana Ivanova, Head of Diversity and Inclusion at Royal Mail.

‘We’re very excited to share this symbol of pride with the public,’ she also said.

Royal Mail is committed to LGBTI equality. Six LGBTI employees told their inspiring stories during GSN’s Digital Pride this year. They have also previously painted postboxes around London in rainbow colors and released Pride-themed postcards.

Pride in London co-chairs unveiled the rainbow postbox in Soho | Photo: Courtesy of Royal Mail

Pride in London is this Saturday

Co-chairs of Pride in London Alison Camps and Michael Salter-Church were present for the reveal. They led the countdown and unveiled the postbox, wishing everyone a happy Pride.

The parade will take place this Saturday 7 July from 12pm.

Everybody loves the new rainbow postbox | Photo: GSN

Read more about Prides:

UK Black Pride is this Sunday and this is why it matters

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