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Russell Crowe is selling off an old leather jockstrap

Written by gaytourism

Some of the more unusual items in Russell Crowe’s divorce items include an old leather jockstrap (Picture: Twitter)

Russell Crowe is selling off his personal items in an auction called The Art Of Divorce.

The Hollywood actor has put 229 items up for sale, many of which he shared with ex-wife Danielle Spencer.

And as you may imagine, the lots on sale are as diverse and rich as his films – not to mention an old leather jockstrap.

Russell Crowe’s Art Of Divorce

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There are many lots that raise interest, including motorbikes, guitars and original paintings.

On sale are many pieces of film memorabilia, from Gladiator chariot to his iconic purple suit in Virtuosity.

But it items such as an old leather jockstrap (pictured above), a dinosaur skull and, erm, a dead horse (a prop of course), according to the lot notes of Sotheby’s Australia

The jockstrap – which was actually used in Cinderella Man – is seeking to fetch around A$500 to A$600

The cheeky front cover of Crowe’s Art Of Divorce auction (Picture: Sotheby’s/The Art Of Divorce)

The programme cover shows Crowe somewhat humorously posing with an Old Fashioned cocktail and a tuxedo.

As he said on Australia’s Sunrise programme, he decided to give the auction a cheeky edge to ‘turn something that was a little bit bleak into something joyful.’

Russell Crowe’s mounted Dinosaur skull. Yup.

‘I don’t collect for the sake of collecting; I collect because I’m passionate about a particular subject.

‘Part of that collector’s passion is actually an excitement—that the next person who comes along and has the custodianship of a particular item is going to enjoy it and love it as much as I do.’

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