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Salisbury PFLAG looks forward to annual Pride Parade, plans to send important message to the city

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SALISBURY, Md. – The annual Salisbury LGBTQ Pride festival is set to hit the streets in June, and this year, Salisbury PFLAG said their message is extra important.

This year, executive director of PFLAG, Mark DeLancey, said the events will send a message to the city that the LGBTQ community is here to stay, and all of their voices have a right to be heard.

“I feel that this year is mainly important to have, because there are voices out there that don’t understand what we’re trying to represent or what we’re trying to do,” DeLancey said. “We’re not asking for extra, we’re asking to be included with you and to stand alongside you.”

The parade will kick off on June 29th in Unity Square, at 3PM.

Categories: Business, Entertainment, Health, Local News, Maryland, Top Stories

Tags: lgbtq, Pride Month, Pride Parade


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