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Same-Sex Parenthood: Daniel Redgert’s Journey As A Father

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Daniel Redgert and his husband recently welcomed two newborn babies through surrogacy. In this interview, Redgert shares his transformative journey to parenthood, recounting the challenges and joys. He emphasizes the importance of representation and visibility in the LGBTQ community, detailing his experiences with societal perceptions. Redgert calls for continued advocacy and education within the community. He also discusses balancing parenting with managing a successful business in public relations and investments and shares his approach to instilling values in his children. Through personal stories, professional insights, and future aspirations, Redgert provides a heartfelt glimpse into life as a gay parent today.

Daniel Redgert founded Redgert Comms in 2017, and the business now operates in seven markets across Europe and North America, employing over 100 people. Initially set on becoming a doctor, his plans changed due to the inspiration from successful bloggers. While working at MacDonald’s at night and studying during the day, he was determined to pursue his dream of being in the communications business. His determination paid off when he secured an internship at a PR agency, which eventually led to hosting one of Sweden’s top podcasts. At 25, he released an autobiography and became a TV host on Swedish Idol.

Chan: Please share your journey to parenthood, what motivated your decision to have children, and the challenges and joys you’ve experienced as new parents.

Redgert: I’ve always envisioned myself with a family, but the “how” was foggy. I stumbled upon a news article in 2019 stating that in Sweden, more babies were born through surrogacy than through adoption. It was a lightbulb moment! My husband and I did a deep dive into the world of surrogacy, and after thorough research, we decided to take the plunge. Many years later, we’re on this wild ride called parenthood! I’ve been a workaholic my entire adult life, thriving on sleep deprivation, jet lag, and marathon workdays. But nothing – absolutely nothing – prepares you for the whirlwind of becoming a parent. One day, I’m the master of my schedule; the next, I’m at the beck and call of two tiny humans. The biggest shock? Realizing it’s not all about me anymore. It’s hard to accept initially, but I appreciate the shift from self-absorbed to selfless. For now, it’s a rollercoaster of sleepless nights and unexpected joy.

Chan: How do you and your partner balance parenting duties with busy professional lives? What values are you hoping to instill in your children as they grow up?

Redgert: Balancing parenting and our careers is like managing a well-choreographed dance. In some respects, my business feels like my third child and remains a massive part of my identity. My husband and I’ve found a great rhythm in taking turns caring for our newborns, keeping our work on track, and occasionally getting some sleep. Prioritizing has become even more essential with newborns. I’ve learned to focus on the most critical matters in private life and business, which means I get 100% quality out of my time.

I want to instill in our children the value of hard work and the importance of following their passions. I would love for my kids to work at Redgert Comms in the future, making it a true family business—just like I managed to rope my husband into joining the company six years ago. Work is a way of life that can bring us closer together as a family. But, of course, we’ll support them in whatever path they choose. Most importantly, we want them to feel our endless love for them, just like I felt from my parents. We aim to teach them the value of money and the importance of working hard so they grow grounded and not spoiled.

Chan: How has your family and community reacted to your becoming parents?

Redgert: Everyone’s reaction has been heartwarming. We’ve been overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support, even from people we hadn’t heard from in ages. It’s incredible how children have this uniting power; becoming parents has made us feel more connected to everyone around us. Even though we tend to be a bit sassy, my husband and I think about the importance of our kids growing up with strong female role models. It is especially true for our daughter, who may need more guidance regarding girl stuff. However, with two sisters each, two grandmothers, and countless female friends, we feel confident we’ll manage just fine.

Chan: Have you faced any unique challenges or received specific support as LGBTQ parents?

Redgert: We want our children to understand early that families and love come in all shapes and sizes. Living in Sweden, a wonderfully progressive but somewhat homogenous country, we’re lucky I am from a multicultural background. My half-Brazilian heritage and our residence in Rio de Janeiro, the world’s most liberating city, play a massive role. Rio’s beaches are a melting pot where everyone – black or white, rich or poor, straight or gay – is embraced and equal. No wonder we named our daughter Rio; we want her to grow up with those inclusive vibes! Even though we are happy to live in liberal societies with progressive legislation for gay families, of course, there will be challenges connected to society’s reactions. People will wonder about the kids’ mothers, who the biological father is to each baby, etc. However, I don’t have a problem with people asking, as I have always chosen to assume that they are coming from a good place – I would probably ask myself!

Chan: What does Pride Month mean to you personally and as a family?

Redgert: Pride is about celebrating love, acceptance, and equality! But let’s not forget that the most crucial part is celebrating the movement. I believe a lot of people growing up in my generation tend to take LGBQT+ rights for granted, not recognizing the fact that they have been fought for and, perhaps more importantly, continuously need to be upheld. I have always been steadfast about being Daniel first and foremost, whereas my sexual orientation is my private business. Looking back, being gay has probably been a significant insecurity in my life – even after coming out to support friends and family. Now, being married to a man and having two children, it is my responsibility to continue fighting for everyone’s right to be and to love who they want. After all, I have the movement to thank for my being able to marry another man and my ability to start a family as a gay dad.

Chan: How do you manage the demands of running a global communications firm while being a hands-on parent?

Redgert: A few years back, I dove into the book Built to Last, which says that if you want long-term success, your business should run like a well-oiled machine without needing you as the engine. So, I’ve been fine-tuning that machinery during the last seven years of building Redgert Comms. As I navigate the chaos of new parenthood, I’m putting that theory to the test – and guess what? The company is still thriving even if I’m no longer burning the midnight oil at the office. My secret to sanity is mastering the art of delegation and prioritization. I’ve finally embraced the idea that I don’t need to do everything myself. Whether assigning tasks at work or convincing my husband to tackle the 2 a.m. diaper duty, sharing the load is essential. Prioritize what matters and delegate the rest; you’ll find more time for the business and baby snuggles.

Chan: How do you foster diversity and inclusion within Redgert Comms?

Redgert: We believe in keeping things authentic and organic. Rather than drafting policies that sound good on paper but don’t hold up in practice, we let diversity and inclusion naturally reflect who we are. Our team started with my first colleagues and me, who were primarily gay men and women, and it’s no surprise that our leadership follows suit—our CEO, most of our country managers, and board members are women or gay men. While our priority is always to find the best fit for the team, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation, just looking at the traditional metrics may be misleading. In addition to core competence, we want to find people who can contribute to, diversify, and enrich our culture. It’s about who can add the most value to our business, not just checking off boxes on a diversity checklist. That said, we’re always open to more shades and textures. For instance, we could improve age diversity – no one at our company is currently over 40. I’d love to see more experienced professionals bring their wisdom into our mix.

Chan: What advice would you give to other LGBTQ individuals or couples considering starting a family?

Redgert: For other LGBTQ parents out there, remember that you’re not alone in this journey. Go forth with confidence, knowing you have the resilience and determination to thrive as the best parent in the world! And as for the naysayers, take their words with a grain of salt. More often than not, they speak from a place of ignorance or uniquely own bad experiences rather than genuinely understand your situation. Prioritize what matters most to you and your family. It’s a delicate dance, no doubt, but only you know how to find harmony between your career ambitions and your role as a parent based on your unique situation. Feel free to forge your way based on what feels right. Try to soak in the wisdom of others’ experiences of becoming parents while trusting your instincts.

Founder of Redgert Comms

Daniel Redgert

Looking forward, Redgert is ambitious in expanding his business globally. His growth strategy focuses on recruiting top PR and marketing leaders to join the network, while Redgert Comms handles back-office functions such as finance, legal, and administration. This franchise-like model allows marketing entrepreneurs to function and thrive in individual regions. Redgert Comms excels in bringing American brands to European markets and vice versa, offering comprehensive marketing, branding, PR, and investor relations services.

Daniel Redgert is keen on partnering with a robust American brand portfolio company, and on top of his wish list – SKKY Partners, the private equity venture of Kim Kardashian and Kris Jenner. Through his friend Erik Torstensson, founder of Frame and an investor in Kardashian-Jenner brands, Redgert has gained insights into their successful brand-building strategies. He sees potential for expanding their non-US market reach with Redgert Comms’ local expertise.

“It requires local knowledge for American brands to select the right local talent, venues, or media to launch,” said Redgert. By leveraging top local talents, Redgert Comms aims to enhance market launches in Sweden, Germany, Brazil, and beyond. By combining the best local PR talent with a company like the Jenner-Kardashian brand portfolio, Redgert envisions accelerating SKKY Partners’ global success. This type of partnership would improve marketing and PR for their brands while also increasing the value of Redgert Comms, driving rapid growth for both entities.


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