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Sarah Kate Ellis: Digging into LGBTQ Voter Data with The Electorette

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This Voter Registration Day, we are highlighting GLAAD’s President & CEO Sarah Kate Ellis conversation with Jennifer Taylor Skinner on The Electorette Podcast to talk about what data reveals about LGBTQ voter engagement.

Skinner opened with a stark truth about the current American political landscape: “(It) is more toxic and harmful for (the LGBTQ) community than I’ve seen in a really long time. So the work that GLAAD is doing is more important now than ever.”

LISTEN to the podcast here.

Ellis and Skinner discussed GLAAD’s voter engagement research, finding that 94% of LGBTQ Americans are motivated to vote. Ellis said: “What we see, is that year over year, LGBTQ registred voters turn out in droves… 92-94% in a Presidential election year. Why is that great news? We know that the majority of LGBTQ folks vote pro-democarcy, pro-equality, and they vote that up and down the ballot. For our community, it is life or death, honestly. That’s why you see such a high turnout.”

GLAAD’s work this year is focused on “inspiring and exciting people to turn out to vote,” Ellis explained, noting that GLAAD is working to break through to voters with “a lot of noise, a lot of distraction.” GLAAD provides LGBTQ track records of candidates running for office, fact checks of debates and commentary from candidates, and educates the LGBTQ community and allies about voter registration.

Campaigning on anti-transgender issues is a losing strategy, Skinner and Ellis discussed. GLAAD polling shows:

53% of both registered and likely 2024 voters say they would oppose “a political candidate [who] speaks frequently about restricting access to health care and participation in sports for transgender youth.”
Voters overwhelmingly believe that decisions about health care and mental health services for transgender youth should be made by parents: 81% of likely 2024 voters, 83% of swing voters, and 73% of Trump voters agree.
All categories overwhelmingly agree that “Republicans should stop focusing on restricting women’s rights and banning medical care for transgender youth and instead focus on addressing inflation, job creation, and healthcare costs.” 94% of LGBTQ voters, 76% of registered voters, 76% of likely 2024 voters, and 82% of swing voters agree.

The Electorette is one of the longest running feminist podcasts, and offers analyses and solutions to the world’s biggest political and social challenges, all through the lens of women. Listen to all Electorette podcast episodes here or wherever you listen to podcasts.


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