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Straight guy sues ‘gay gym’ after three guys masturbated in front of him in steam room

Written by gaytourism

A straight guy is suing a gay-friendly gym after three guys masturbated in front of him in the steam room.

The man, referred to as GB in court papers, is suing the Equinox gym on Broadway in Gramercy Park.

The single dad had gone to the New York City gym for a lunchtime steam room visit.

But he was then ‘shocked’ when he saw three men watching him while they were masturbating.

What began as an innocent steam room lunch break…

‘I’m relaxing, I’m sitting in the corner, it’s very meditative,’ he said about the first moments of the experience.

‘The steam clears . . . And I look across from me. This gentleman, sitting pretty close, his towel is open, his legs are spread and he’s looking right at me, and the guy next to him was rubbing [the man’s] inner thigh,’ the man told The New York Post.

‘He’s looking right at me, his towel’s off and he’s masturbating,’ the man added.

When he realized the third man was looking at him as he masturbated, he left.

The man went to the front desk to complain, but he says nobody did anything.

‘It’s something every gym in New York City…has an issue with.’

Equinox ‘had known for as much as 10 years prior that similar wrongful acts were occurring in its steam showers,’ he says in the Manhattan Supreme Court filing against the company.

‘It is a problem, and it’s something that every gym in New York City, not just Equinox, has an issue with,’ the manager of this specific Equinox shared in a recording found by The Post.

The gym said they have a ‘zero-tolerance’ policy regarding this behavior.

The court case is ongoing.

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