Straight guys reveal how they respond to gay guys hitting on them. | Photo: Hotlanta Voyeur / Flickr
A Reddit post asks straight men how they react when gay guys hit on them and the answers are hilarious.
It simply reads: ‘Straight men of Reddit, what do you do if a gay man hits on you?‘
One straight guy responded: ‘One time a guy asked me to dance. I said, “I’ll have to ask my wife first.” She was cool with it, so we hit the floor for a couple of songs.’
Another said: ‘Respectfully tell them I’m straight but sadly wish I were gay because I seem to have way more luck with men than ladies.’
Then another wrote: ‘Normally I just giggle and say, “Oh you!”‘
One guy simply said: ‘Sorry mate. I’m straight.’ Then a gay guy responded: ‘Well you didn’t punch anyone in the face or yell at them, which is honestly what I am afraid of at times. It makes asking men out really hard.’
To which the original commenter replied: ‘Holy shit no. Not even on my worst day would I ever be angry about it.’
And then another sarcastically responded: ‘Being told I’m handsome by another man is devastating to me, so I high-tail it home and curl in the fetal position. Sometimes I sit in the corner, rocking back and forth.’
New study reveals no one is ‘fully straight’
In related news, a new study released earlier this month said ‘fully straight’ people don’t actually exist.
The physiological study suggests men and women are not gay, straight or bi and that human sexuality is fluid.
Ritch Savin-Williams director of the Sex and Gender Lab, Department of Human Development at Cornell University said: ‘It’s a study that assesses sexual orientation by looking at the eyes and whether they dilate or not.’
He added: ‘You can’t control your eye dilation.’