For #TransDayofVisbility these trans and non-binary people shared their best moments | Photo: Gay Star News YouTube
Trying to pick out one of the best moments in your life – is not an easy choice.
But it’s worthwhile, especially if those memories are of celebration, and recognition of your identity.
For #TransDayofVisibility, these trans and non-binary people have been celebrating and remembering, their best moments.
From being acknowledged in your chosen gender for the first time to finding a community – these heartwarming stories speak to the importance of celebrating your identity all year round:
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This is one of six videos filmed in the build-up to Digital Pride launched on #TransDayofVisibility. Subscribe to the Gay Star News YouTube for more!
What is #TransDayofVisibility?
International Transgender Day of Visibility takes place on 31 March every year.
Its a day dedicated to celebrating transgender people and raising awareness of discrimination faced by transgender people worldwide.
It first began in 2009 by the American transgender activist Rachel Crandall. Finding a huge frustration in the lack of LGBT holidays celebrating transgender people, she set out to change that.
Before Transgender Day of Visibility, the most prominent trans-focused day was the Transgender Day of Remembrance.
It’s a day in November that mourns the murders of transgender people in the last year. But ultimately it is a day of remembrance – not celebration. So Crandell set up the day.
Ever since activists worldwide use the day to celebrate the achievements the trans community has made. As well as looking at the progress we all need to take as an LGBTI community together.
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