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Top selling bridal magazine won’t allow same-sex couples in its publication

Written by gaytourism

White magazine is under fire for refusing to feature same-sex couples. | Photo: Facebook

One of Australia’s most popular bridal magazines – White – is coming under fire for allegedly refusing to publish same-sex content.

Some of White’s contributors have gone public saying they tried to submit same-sex content to the bridal magazine but editors ignored them. Its editor even told one photographer: ‘we aren’t sharing Same Sex (sic) weddings at this point’.

Australia legalized same-sex marriage last year after a postal survey on the issue showed about 62% of Australians supported it.

But White never covered the issue, remaining totally silent on same-sex marriages. It has since not included any same-sex content whether through advertising, feature stories or photos.

Married couple Luke and Carla Burrell launched White in 2007 because they’re ‘obsessed with changing the wedding culture to bring meaning back into marriage’. They also apparently ‘always believed in the potential of humanity and the value of community’. Carla serves as White’s editor.

‘We aren’t sharing Same Sex (sic) weddings at this point’

Lesbian photographer Lara Hotz  has regularly shot White’s cover photos. Hotz and other contributors said editors ignored them when they tried to submit same-sex content.

Hotz who is married to her partner said she then asked outright if they would cover same-sex couples, according to an Australian Associated Press (AAP) report.

She received a text saying ‘we aren’t sharing Same Sex (sic) weddings at this point’.

Hotz said their attitude was discriminatory and hurtful.

According to reports, other advertisers, contributors, photographers, videographers and celebrants have shared their experiences working with White.

‘If I had known they don’t support SSM (same-sex marriage) I wouldn’t have chosen to spend a good portion of my marketing funds with their magazine, on principle,’ said photographer and advertiser, Ona Janzen.

Hotz argued that she didn’t want to force the Burrells to think like her.  But said she thought it was important that the public and advertisers knew the magazine’s editorial stance on same-sex issues.

Gay Star News has reached out to White for comment.

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