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Trans lottery winner who snubbed family to share winnings on one condition

Written by gaytourism

Melissa Ede won millions from her £10 scratchcard | Photo: National Lottery

The trans cab driver who millions on a UK National Lottery scratchcard has changed her mind on sharing the winnings with her family – who disowned her after transitioning.

Melissa Ede, from Hull in Northern England, is a cab driver and transgender rights, campaigner. She’s also built up a social media following with videos about her life.

Her life changed when a £10 scratchcard won her £4million ($5.4million/€4.5million.)

But when she won she said her children, now aged 19, 29, 30 and 39, would not benefit from her win.

However, now she says she will share the luck – but only after she is dead, according to the Mirror.

‘I’m still of the feeling nobody can walk back in my life and get money.But I’d like it eventually given to them, and they can have a little joy too.

‘I’ll be meeting up with them and will leave them money. If they hang about in my life they’ll get treated.’

Buying a special engagement ring with the winnings

At the time she won, her family denied rejecting her for becoming a woman. Saying she embarrassed them with bizarre online videos in her pursuit of a celebrity status.

Since she won, one thing she has bought includes an engagement ring for her fiancée Rachel Nason, 37.

But says: ‘I didn’t go down on one knee. I would not be able to get up again.’

at the time of the win she said she was looking forward to moving out of her rented accommodation, buying a house and a car. She also plans to splash out on a big wedding to her girlfriend, Rachel, who she has been with for the past year.

She’s recently been appealing for help to raise money to for cosmetic dentistry to help fix her teeth. But now she is looking forward to paying for the treatment on her own.

Read more on Gay Star News:

Trans cab driver scoops £4million on lottery: snubs kids who rejected her

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