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Trans rights stickers labeled ‘violent’ by trans-exclusionary feminists

Written by gaytourism

The stickers are supporting trans rights | Photo: Twitter

New trans rights stickers have been labeled ‘violent’ by trans-exclusionary feminists.

The stickers, created by lesbian trans writer Michaela, feature the trans flag with writing over the top. It reads ‘Uppity trans women throw the first brick’.

The writing is a reference to the often-cited cause of the Stonewall riots, where trans woman Martha P Johnson threw the first brick at the Stonewall Inn. The subsequent riots triggered the modern LGBT rights movement in America.

But the stickers almost immediately caused backlash online. Several trans-exclusionary feminists have stated that the wording on the stickers sounds like a threat.

This then devolved into misgendering of trans women.

One person wrote: ‘I really don’t get how ‘uppity transwomen throw the first bricks’ is meant to prove it is safe to let me in women’s spaces? It sounds like they are simply advertising male violence.’

Another added: ‘This demonstrates that the discussion is a long way from trans rights. It’s now open and violent misogyny.’

Sticker troubles

Anti-trans stickers have been spotted in bathrooms across the UK recently.

Activist and comedian Shon Faye found one in a restroom she was using and posted photos of her tearing the sticker up.

Designed to look like the ‘Some people are gay, get over it’ posters, these read: ‘Women’s sex based rights are not for penises. Get over it.’

Shon tore the sticker down and posted to Twitter: ‘Was washing my hands in a restroom on the train into work this morning – and what should I clock? One of those trash stickers designed to harass trans people. No need to worry!

‘This sticker is now where it belongs: in the bin, just like the pseudofeminist bigotry it represents.

‘Placing this in a public toilet is not designed to educate the public on GRA. It is intended to harass someone just like me who sees it while trying to just quietly get on with daily life in public as a trans person.’

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