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Trans woman shot 12 times and killed in Pakistan’s Peshawar region

Written by gaytourism

A trans woman was shot 12 times and killed in Pakistan. | Photo: Facebook/TransAction Pakistan

Two armed assailants allegedly shot a trans woman 12 times killing her in the Pakistan region of Peshawar.

Advocacy group, TransAction Pakistan, identified the murdered woman as Chutki (Danial) in a Facebook post.

The gun men also shot and killed Chutki’s friend, Izaz.

The pair were riding in a rickshaw on the way to Iqbal Plaza, a residential complex in the city.

After following them in the rickshaw, two men on a motorcycle aged in their 20s, pulled up alongside the pair allegedly shooting them multiple times.

‘A transgender along with her friend Izaz were on way in rickshaw from Iqbal Plaza when two armed bike riders opened fire on them on the Ring Road. Both the passengers were killed,’ Deputy Superintendent of Police Faqirabad, Tahir Dawar told reporters.

Peshawar’s problems

According to TransAction Pakistan, Chutki’s death was the 55th murder of trans person in the area since 2015.

‘What a shame. What a sad incident,’ the group said in a Facebook post.

The Khyber Medical College (KMC) took the bodies for a post-mortem.

Violence and discrimination against trans people in Peshawar are very common. Including at the KMC which, in October 2017 refused to take the dead body of trans woman because she would make their ‘freezers dirty’.

Trans people are often refused or delayed access to medical treatment after facing violence. On multiple occasions they have died from their injuries because they were not able to get appropriate medical care.

TransAction Pakistan goes to the hospitals to advocate on behalf of victims for proper medical treatment. However in January, police chased trans advocates out of hospital in Mardan after they had turned up to support an injured trans person.

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