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UK: Driver who ran over gay man while shouting ‘fa**ot’ jailed

Written by gaytourism

A driver who ran over a gay man while shouting homophobic abuse has been jailed.

Aaron McDonald, 31, was involved in an argument with a man in Manchester’s Gay Village in March.

In the early hours of Sunday, 26 March, McDonald was shouting at a man on Bloom Street. This is the street with several gay venues including New York, New York, AXM and The Eagle.

McDonald kicked the man, as well as shouting abuse like ‘faggot boy’.

Manchester Crown Court heard how McDonald walked off and got into his car, which was parked nearby.

He then drove directly at a group of pedestrians, which included the man he had the argument with.

McDonald continued to drive after the man was thrown onto the bonnet.

He then hit the breaks before driving over the victim.

A woman was also injured, according to Manchester Evening News.

McDonald drove away, parked a mile away on Oxford Road. He then walked home, drank more alcohol, and fell asleep.

He was latter arrested, and told officers: ‘I was driving the car, I was waiting for yous [sic] to turn up, I know what I’ve done it’s my mistake.’

The 31-year-old claimed he ‘fully intended’ to contact police to report what had happened.

Homophobic driver found guilty for hit-and-run in Manchester

McDonald was found guilty of section 18 assault.

He was jailed for 12 years at Manchester Crown Court

Det Cons Matt Cooper, of GMP’s City of Manchester Division, said: ‘McDonald’s decision to get in his car despite having been out drinking put the lives of not only the people he targeted in danger, but everyone walking on that street that morning.

‘Getting into a car under the influence of alcohol and with the intention of using it as a weapon is completely unacceptable and he is lucky that he didn’t kill the man he drove into.

‘He will now have to spend the next 12 years living with the consequences of his actions.’

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