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Vandals pooed on Cornwall Pride’s rainbow benches to write anti-LGBTI slur

Written by gaytourism

One of the benches painted in rainbow colors in Newquay. | Photo: Courtesy of Cornwall Pride

Vandals pooed on two rainbow benches painted to celebrate Cornwall Pride within hours of completion on the night of 21 July.

They also left an anti-LGBTI slur. The message ‘fucking queers’ was written using their own feces, leaving doubts on how vandals actually cleaned themselves as there weren’t baby wipes in sight.

The reactions

Cornwall Pride organizers immediately took to social media to express their outrage.

‘Why LGBTQ+ Pride? Last Night Someone Shit on our unfinished #PrideBench and spelt out “F***ing Queers” in shit. P.S Police have CCTV,’ reads the tweet.

On their Facebook page, organizers confirmed they had to scrap and repaint the benches.

The local police have said they have a CCTV video of the vandal and are investigating the case.

A disgusting surprise

Anti-LGBTI vandals smeared feces on the rainbow benches. | Photo: Courtesy of Cornwall Pride

The benches in Newquay are the only permanent rainbow installation celebrating the LGBTI community in south-western England.

They were the results of negotiations between Newquay Town Council and Cornwall Pride. The council was excited about the project and granted permission to paint other seven benches across the iconic Killacourt on the same day. But it didn’t go quite as planned.

Despite the joint effort, a disgusting, shocking surprise awaited Cornwall Pride organizers.

They were completely gutted to find out someone defecated on the benches. Furthermore, the vile act took place just 13 hours after the completion of the installation.

Volunteers were at work to paint the rainbow benches

Two volunteers repainting the benches.

Volunteers at work to paint the benches. | Photo: Courtesy of Cornwall Pride

40 volunteers had worked together for two days to redevelop the Beach Parade zone. Apart from painting the benches in bold rainbow colors, the team had stripped old paint from the railings and repainted them. They had also weeded the area and planted new bowers.

The rainbow installation was about to be unveiled to celebrate Pride season in Cornwall, ahead of the parade later this summer. Anti-LGBTI vandals, however, promptly ruined the benches in the most horrible way, jeopardizing the work of the team of volunteers.

Cornwall Pride Parade

Come Out For Cornwall Pride took the Pride flag to St. Michael’s Mount. | Photo: The Gay UK magazine

Following the beautiful Pride tour the region hosted last 23 June, the big parade day will kick off at 12pm on 25 August on Towan Beach, moving on to Killacourt and Tall Trees in Newquay.

Now in its second year, this parade is set to be crucial after the vile act. Last year’s march, the first in Cornwall, took place smoothly with no protests or anti-LGBTI crimes happening on the day.

Read more about Prides:

Gay Paris deputy mayor slams anti-LGBTI vandals who deface rainbow crosswalk

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