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Infographic: Global regulatory and health research agencies on whether glyphosate causes cancer
Does glyphosate—the world’s most heavily-used herbicide—pose serious harm to humans? Is it carcinogenic? Those issues are of both legal and …
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Race and the Olympics: ‘Yes’, Blacks will sweep the running events, and ‘yes’, genetics is the reason (and Eurasian whites will dominate field events and weight lifting)
Is tilapia a human-made freak that we should avoid — or an evolutionary rockstar?
Breakthough Institute: Are cover crops the silver bullet to reduce agricultural carbon emissions as regenerative-farming enthusiasts claim? Time for a rethink
Russia banned GMOs years ago to distinguish itself from the United States. What’s its current stance toward genetic engineering, CRISPR and other New Breeding Techniques?
Embryos aren’t female by ‘default’ after all, study shows
As the EU’s regulatory stance on gene-edited crops slips back toward ‘precautionary inertia’, Europe’s over-precaution threatens global food security
How Freddie Mercury got his voice: It wasn’t his teeth
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How common is incest? Rise of genetic testing reveals disturbing evidence