GAY global news

‘We need a Minister for Rainbow Affairs’, says New Zealand MP

Written by gaytourism

New Zealand MP, Tamaki Coffey. | Photo: Facebook

A pro-LGBTI federal politician in New Zealand think parliament should introduce a ministerial portfolio for ‘rainbow affairs’.

Labour Party MP, Tamati Coffey, made the comments during a Facebook Live video.

‘I personally think that we need a Minister in Government that’s actually in charge of rainbow issues,’ he told Newshub Nation.

‘In Canada I know they’ve got a Minister that’s in charge of I think it’s diversity and equity and equality, and I think that’s something we could absolutely do with someone in that kind of role down here in Wellington.’

The openly gay Coffey married his partner, Tim Smith, in 2011.

The MP argued that a Minister dedicated to LGBTI issues would help end discrimination against the community. Coffey also said he ‘so much faith’ in younger people to help improve the lives of LGBTI people.

‘We’ve moved as a society into a place where actually being gay is not a terrible thing, it’s not illegal anymore, actually you can be the person you want to be and if you want to have a family you just need to make it happen,’ he said.

Rainbow New Zealand

Elected to the Federal Parliament in 2017, Coffey worked as a television presenter his career in politics.

He hosted New Zealand’s Got Talent, and also worked as a roving weather man on breakfast TV.

When Coffey won Dancing with the Stars in 2009 he donated his winnings to Rainbow Youth, an organization advocating for young LGBTI people.

New Zealand is a regional leader on LGBTI issues. It legalized same-sex civil unions in 2004, making same-sex marriage and adoption legal in 2013.

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