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Woman recounts being raped by her father and uncle for being a lesbian

Written by gaytourism

Twitter user @Smoochie_Dk (Photo: Twitter)

A South African woman took to Twitter yesterday to describe being raped by her father, uncle and their friend at age 15 because she is a lesbian.

Twitter user @Smoochie_DK told of how she was attacked one day by all three the same day.

She said that her father told her he was going to teach her that she is a woman, not a man. ‘I knew what he was on about because my father hated the fact that I am a lesbian,’ she said. ‘He was actually homophobic.’

She was lying in her bed at the time, and did not initially understand why her father was undressing. He then ordered her to take off her clothes.

Her father threatened to accuse her of seducing him should she ever report him to the police.

She begged him not to rape her, but instead he started slapping her.

‘I was young and couldn’t fight him back, I was even afraid to scream… He took off my clothes and then pushed me into the bed,’ she said.

Her father then raped her. ‘Every time I close my eyes I remember what my father did to me and I always blame myself for everything that happened,’ she said of the horrifying assault.

‘I kept on crying and crying. It was so painful’

He then left the room, as she lay in bed distraught. She said: ‘I kept on crying and crying and it was so painful and yet so heartbreaking.’

The woman went on to describe her rape by her uncle and his friend, which happened later that same day.

The two men arrived at her home claiming to be looking for her father. Her uncle entered the bathroom where she was washing herself naked at the time.

‘Instead of him saying “sorry” and return to his friends he came closer to me and spank my ass,’ she said. ‘I started crying because it reminded me of what happened earlier and had to ask him to stop what he was doing.

‘I then knew my uncle was going to rape me too.’

She said that she was held down and overpowered. After her uncle raped her, his friend did the same.

She said the incident left her severely traumatized: ‘I felt helpless, useless and like I could just die. Why didn’t they just kill me and save me from this pain? I’ve tried to kill myself several times because this pain is too much.’

Neighbor took her to police station

The woman said she went to her neighbor’s house that night as she could not sleep. Her neighbor took her to the police station, and the men were arrested.

Only the uncle and his friend were ultimately convicted and sentenced, however. The woman claimed that her father is still a free man.

The woman described the effect that the rape had on her sex life.

‘Every time I find myself a new girlfriend I have to explain myself “Why am I not a virgin,”‘ she said. ‘Sometimes I’d just stop in a middle of a “hot sex round” because it reminds me of what my father, uncle and his friend did to me.

‘It reminds me of everything I should forget about, it brings back… bad memories.’

Her story received an outpouring of support from her followers.

The practice of using so-called ‘corrective rape’ against lesbians, bisexuals and transgender people has been widely reported in South Africa. In 2011, Human Rights Watch issued a report, drawn from interviews with 120 subjects. It found that many women live in constant fear of physical or sexual violence.

GSN has reached out to @Smoochie_Dk for comment.

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