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Airline prevents gay dads from boarding together, calls it ‘misunderstanding’

Written by gaytourism

EVA Air is a Taiwanese airline operating passenger services to over 40 international destinations. | Photo: Wiki

A family filed yet another complaint against an airline due to discrimination against LGBTI families.

San Francisco resident Jeff Cobb was traveling to Taipei, Taiwan with his husband and their 19-month-old baby on 1 September. The three were flying with EVA Air, a private Taiwanese company.

At the moment of boarding, representatives for EVA told Cobb and his husband that only one parent could pre-board with the baby. As a result, Cobb’s husband would need to wait in line for general boarding.

Cobb pointed out that he and his husband were legally married and they were both the fathers of the baby, but that didn’t help.

His husband had to wait, while allegedly other families with straight parents were allowed to board together.

A possible discrimination?

Suspecting the reason behind the policy was a possible discrimination against LGBTIs, Cobb took to Twitter to express his outrage.

In a thread, he complained about the airline policy.

‘My husband and I were told only one of us could join our 19 month old in the family boarding group of EVA Air 27 from SFO on 9/1/18,’ he wrote.

‘I explained we were both the fathers of the child, and they said it was their policy that only one parent can board…’

He furthermore continued: ‘and the other has to wait in the normal line. Not having flown EVA before, I accepted it and let my husband and child go while I boarded later. When I met him on the plane, he said there were many other (straight) families all boarding together.’

‘I’m very disappointed that the EVA ground staff at SFO thinks it’s ok to separate same-sex families during boarding. I will definitely not be flying this airline again after this incident,’ he finally wrote.

The airline apologized

EVA Air released an official statement apologizing to the couple.

‘EVA Air and most especially our San Francisco International Airport team sincerely apologize to all the passengers affected by this incident.

‘It is our policy that passengers traveling with infants can have priority boarding.

‘The policy does not limit the number of accompanying adults or specify the relationship to the infant.

‘This unfortunate incident was due to misunderstanding. Our San Francisco ground-handling agent understood that only one parent could board with an infant.

‘We have apologized to our passengers and reminded our airport staff and agents about our priority boarding policy so that we can prevent this kind of incident from happening again.’

The airline claims the incident is due to a misunderstanding.

On their Twitter page, EVA Air explained that the incorrect information was a solution ‘to prevent a congested and unsafe jet bridge on our September 1 flight’.

‘The gate agent incorrectly informed passengers requesting priority boarding that family boarding would be restricted to a one adult, one child ratio,’ they tweeted.

They added they are in the process of reviewing their diversity training.

‘We apologize for the unfortunate event to all parties involved. EVA is reviewing our diversity training with our airport staff and agents to ensure this does not happen again.’

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