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Alaska voters reject anti-trans bathroom bill

Written by gaytourism

Alaska Pride Fest. | Photo: Flickr/Mel Green

Voters in Anchorage, Alaska—the state’s most populous city—chose to reject an anti-transgender bathroom bill. This comes just weeks after the Alaska state legislature approved a bill protecting LGBTI people from discrimination.

The anti-trans bill, called Proposition 1, would have required anyone in Anchorage’s public spaces to use the restrooms or locker rooms that match the gender they were assigned at birth. If passed, Prop 1 would have banned transgender and non-binary people from using the facilities they’re most comfortable in.

According to the Anchorage Daily News, 77,000 citizens voted roughly 53-47 against Prop 1. Considering Alaska is mostly a conservative state, this was a huge step forward.

With the defeat of Prop 1, measures to protect trans people from discrimination that were approved by the Anchorage Assembly in 2015 will remain intact.

The triumph on social media

Pro-LGBTI organizations such as the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), GLAAD, and Alaska-based Fair Anchorage celebrated this win on social media.

It’s still not fully over

‘While we should all celebrate today with Anchorage, we know our work in Alaska is not done,’ said Elias Rojas, board president for Alaskans Together for Equality.

‘Working side by side with partners like the Equality Federation, we will all look forward to the day when every LGBTQ Alaskan—and every LGBTQ visitor to Alaska—enjoys the protections that citizens of Anchorage affirmed this week.’

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