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Amazon removes Straight Pride badge after relentless (and hilarious) mockery

Written by gaytourism

What do you think of this ‘Straight Pride’ badge?

Amazon has removed a Straight Pride badge from its website.

The online retail giant was selling the gold plated flag pin badge on behalf of a company called 1000 Flags.

Named the Straight Heterosexual Pride Wavy Gold Plated Flag Pin Badge, it was available for £4.50 on Amazon UK.

Following GSN’s exclusive viral story yesterday, reaching over 120,000 people, commenters made a lot of jokes on social media.

When asked by GSN why they pulled the badge, they told us: ‘We wouldn’t comment on that.’

The ‘straight heterosexual Pride wavy gold plated flag pin badge’ was sold through a third-party company called 1000 Flags.

The company also sells Pride rainbow flags, as well as banners, badges and pins representing countries across the world.

‘Straight Pride is seemingly as beige as most straight people’s personalities,’ Danny, a Twitter user said.

‘This is actually really gross and homophobic,’ another added.

Many seemed to question why the badge seems reminiscent of other things.

‘The irony of a straight pride flag being an eye shadow palette,’ Ken, another Twitter user said.

‘Why does the straight pride flag look like a Sephora ‘eye shadow for beginners’ sampler?’

Another said: ‘If I saw someone wearing that I’d assume they really like bacon or something.’

Straight allies are also outraged by this.

‘As a straight person I would like to apologize for this abomination,’ one said.

Many homophobes question, often during Pride season, why there isn’t a similar event for straight people.

When Straight Pride tried to take on LGBTI rights

A campaign, Straight Pride UK, attempted to stop same-sex marriage in England and Wales in 2013.

‘Being straight is not easy under the circumstances of our society. Straight people are being persecuted every day by political correctness,’ they wrote.

‘We need Straight Pride to demonstrate that being heterosexual is nature’s way. We need to crush the gay agenda.’

They added: ‘If the gays can have their day, so can normal humans.’

The creator of the account was rumored to be a Christian blogger who in the past has called gay people ‘terrorists’, ‘evil not natural’, and claims they are ‘crushing democracy’.

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