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Anti-gay voices are silenced according to tennis star Margaret Court

Written by gaytourism

Margaret Court. | Photo: Facebook/Margaret Court Tennis Academy

Retired tennis champion and high profile homophobe, Margaret Court, believe anti-gay voices are silenced in Australia.

Court who is now a Christian minister in Western Australia is one of the most successful womens singles players in the history of the game.

She has also been a very vocal opponent of the LGBTI community. For years, she has voiced her opinion about the community and was prolific during Australia’s same-sex marriage postal survey.

During the campaign which asked Australians to vote on whether they think same-sex couples should be allowed to marry, Court said trans kids were the work of Hitler. She also said she would boycott Qantas Airlines for supporting marriage equality.

Religious Freedom Review

But now she says her right to voice her anti-LGBTI opinions is under attack.

Court shared her thoughts in a Religious Freedom Review.

Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull ordered the Review after the same-sex marriage survey. The purpose of the Revies was to ‘examine whether Australian law adequately protects the human right to freedom of religion’.

Court was one of thousands of people to make a submission to the Review.

In it she said Australia would be ‘forsaking foundational truths and the blessings that have made (it) great’ if it did not protect religious freedom.

Court’s submission also asked the review panel to ensure ‘that Christianity will not be silenced or stifled in Australia’.

The Review panel will deliver its report on 18 May.

Court’s ongoing media coverage

People on Twitter were not buying Court’s concerns. Read some of the best reactions here:

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