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Call for trans and non-binary people to become elected officials in the UK

Written by gaytourism

Activists have called for trans and non-binary people to become elected officials in the UK.

At a panel during National Student Pride, six of the most respected trans and non-binary people have said there is a need for trans and non-binary people to become members of parliament.

In other countries, such as Malta and Denmark, there has been rapid progress for non-binary identities.

This includes allowing X as a gender identity on passports.

Trans and non-binary people must become elected officials in the UK

Beyond Binary panel at National Student Pride

Beyond Binary panel at National Student Pride

Lily Madigan, a trans woman and Labour politician, has said these rights are only going to be achieved when trans and non-binary people are elected to positions of power.

‘I think it’s very important are encouraging trans and non-binary people are going for these positions,’ she said.

‘At the moment there are no trans or non-binary people in the Houses of Parliament.

‘How are they supposed to pass legislation when they’re not at the table contributing?’

Maria Munir, a non-binary Muslim Pakistani advocate, has said they are often invited to talk on non-binary issues. However, they’re not invited to make decisions.

‘We need more non-binary people in the room where the decisions are happening,’ they said.

‘I don’t want to be the person giving advice. That’s not necessary if non-binary people are writing the legislation.’

People will present as binary to access to health services

Lewis Hancox, trans man and comedian, has said he knows many non-binary people pretend they’re a binary trans person in order to get access to health services.

‘Our bodies are not black or white. Health services will often restrict transition hormones to just trans people. You get how people will present to be binary to get access to things.

‘We’ve got a long way to go with that – just non-binary identities being recognized,’ he said.

Ayla Holdem, a binary trans woman and former RAF pilot, said she does not foresee a future of change without trans and non-binary officials.

‘The future is when kids growing up aren’t afraid to be who they are,’ she said.

‘They don’t try to be someone they’re not at school, in university, when they’re going for a job or so on. It’s important when you’re at work you’re not back in the closet. We need to keep the message going and not accepting the job is done.’

When Holdem came out, she was the subject of transphobic ridicule in The Sun and other tabloids.

‘The very least is the language has shifted. It’s step one. We’re in phase two and phase three,’ she said.

‘What is important is humanizing it… you have to say to these people, “we’re like you”.’

Gay Star News is a media partner of National Student Pride.