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Check out all these fine men who enjoy rimming and their sexy selfies

Written by gaytourism

Men are sharing selfies loud and proud | Photo: Twitter

An unexpected hashtag went viral on Twitter: #FineMenWhoEatAss. It’s exactly what it sounds like. Men who enjoy rimming are sharing selfies of themselves on the social media site to share how fine they are.

On a deeper level, the hashtag also helps reduce the stigma around discussing sex and lessening the shame of it that society can put forth.

It shows that there’s not one type of man who enjoys this or engages in different sexual activies, regardless of their sexuality. On the other hand… well, let’s get to that later.

Basically, this hashtag is definitely a highlight of 2018 so far.

Here are some great examples of these fine, fine men.

A shocking conclusion

However, some of the reactions to the hastag have been just as entertaining and wonderful as the posts themselves.

There were plenty of thirsy people in the tag.

Then trying to figure out who exactly this hashtag is for and aimed at.

But at least plenty of people got enjoyment from this wild ride.

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