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Ronan Farrow comes out as part of the LGBT community in speech

Written by gaytourism

Farrow is a formidable voice in journalism | Photo: YouTube/TODAY

Acclaimed journalist Ronan Farrow came out as ‘part of the LGBT community’ in a speech on Monday (9 April) night.

A 2013 article in Vice originally outed Farrow as gay, but Farrow himself never acknowledged his sexuality until now.

The nonprofit LGBTQ scholarship fund Point Foundation awarded Farrow with their Courage Award. Fellow journalist Thomas Roberts introduced and presented the award to Farrow.

During his speech, he said: ‘Being a part of the LGBT community – which recognized that reporting I was doing early on and elevated it, and has been such a stalwart source of support through the sexual assault reporting I did involving survivors who felt equally invisible – that has been an incredible source of strength for me.’

In his speech, Farrow discussed his reporting on LGBT topics, such as trans issues and queer youth.

‘But the truth is, in reporting these stories, you realize we’re the end of the beginning, not the beginning of the end,’ he continued. ‘And the only way to change that is to make sure as a culture, as a society that we truly see LGBT people because that’s what ultimately changes people.

‘Each and every LGBT person who has to go through a process of accepting themselves and turning rejection and isolation into strength is richer and more creative and more determined for that journey.’

After proclaiming himself part of the community, he called LGBT people ‘some of the bravest and most potent change agents and leaders’.

A recognizable name

Farrow is the son of Mia Farrow and Woody Allen. Or Frank Sinatrapossibly.

He’s best known for his journalism work helping expose Harvey Weinstein, which really gave momentum to the #MeToo movement.

He has also used this platform and voice to defend his sister, Dylan Farrow, in her accusations against their father. Dylan Farrow alleges that Allen sexually abused her as a child.

Ronan Farrow is estranged from Allen. In a New York Times cover, he was quoted saying: ‘He’s my father married to my sister. That makes me his son and brother-in-law. That is such a moral transgression.’

This is in reference to Allen’s relationship to Soon-Yi Previn. Previn is Mia Farrow’s adopted daughter. Her relationship with Allen began when Previn was 21 and Allen was 56.

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