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Chelsea Handler under fire for ‘homophobic’ tweets

Written by gaytourism

Chelsea Handler. | Photo: Asa Mathat Fortune Live Media | Flickr

Comedian Chelsea Handler is under fire on social media for a series of homophobic jokes.

Commenting on Attorney General of the United States Jeff Sessions, Handler tweeted her thoughts.

She posted: ‘Jeff Sessions is definitely a bottom.’

The tweet attracted just under 2,000 replies (at the time of writing) and a lot of them weren’t happy.

One Twitter user replied: ‘Please delete this and learn why it’s offensive.’

Then another responded: ‘Oooh the specter of gay sex as an insult! Yes please continue the tradition of gays being the world’s punching bag.’

Chelsea Handler: ‘I’m a bottom, and I’m proud of it’

In response to the backlash, Handler quote-tweeted a reply to her original tweet.

The reply read: ‘So the joke is he’s shit because he’s a bottom. Because gay men who are bottoms are inferior. Funny. So many ways to make fun of Jeff Sessions and you went with this. Dude, this just sucks.’

So Handler quote-tweeted: ‘I’m a bottom, and I’m proud of it.’

It’s not the first time she’s come under fire for a similarly homophobic tweet. At the start of this year, she implied Senator Lindsey Graham was gay and was keeping his sexuality secret.

Comedian Jimmy Kimmel is also under fire at the moment for making a similar joke on Twitter.

In response to a tirade from Fox New host Sean Hannity, Kimmel tweeted: ‘Don’t worry – just keep tweeting – you’ll get back on top! (or does Trump prefer you on bottom?) Either way, keep your chin up big fella..XO’

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