GAY global news

Crazy Rich Asians may be a straight rom-com but LGBTQ people still need to support it

Written by gaytourism

This movie is a win for us all | Photo: IMDB/Warner Bros.

We may, in fact, be in the renaissance of good romantic comedies (think the 90s, not the early 2000s). The latest in this slowly evolving new trend is Crazy Rich Asians, based on the book by Kevin Kwan. It is, once more, the love story of a heterosexual couple, but its diversity and focus on a culture that is decidedly not white or European demands LGBTQ people support it.

discussion of gay character (stereotypical, but still a gay poc) – glaad and other reports for queer poc

When diversity succeeds, we all win

rom coms need more queer love stories, but this is still win

Championing our own rights and equality means nothing if we are not intersectional allies to other marginalized people.

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