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This gay guy has found the perfect way to make straight guy friends

Written by gaytourism

It’s certainly one way to try it | Photo: Pixabay

Trying to make friends is hard enough. Trying to make straight guy friends when you’re gay… well, in some towns, that’s downright impossible. And it can be even harder when you’ve got a legion of girl pals in your group.

Well, one guy has come up with the best solution for this: Tinder, but for friendship. Spotted by Reddit user ccallmecarlpanzramm, this gay guy has created a Tinder profile so he can become friends with more straight guys.

Split across four perfectly executed photos, he gives four reasons why heterosexual men should hang out with him. Like a gay Liam Neeson, he has a very specific set of skills…

Gay guy tries to make friends with gay guy

‘Parties: I have a lot of gal pals who love to party. Always could use more guys there!

‘Style: I have a very good fashion sense and I will for sure be able to change yours to get you more girlies.

Also I’m cute: a gay friend is a sure way to get girls. Especially a cute one!!!

Girls: I’m on here for guy friends because I already have hella straight single girl friends!!!’

Some Reddit users commenting on the thread claim they’ve come across the photo on their daily swiping. They say the prospective friend can be found in Birmingham, Alabama.

Using a dating app is certainly one way to make friends. Here’s hoping he’s made some truly fulfilling companions.

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