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Gal Gadot proudly supports boy who chose Wonder Woman backpack and crown

Written by gaytourism

Gal Gadot as Wonder Woman. | Photo: Wonder Woman/Warner Bros

Our Wonder Woman Gal Gadot has shown her support for a little boy who picked a WW backpack to wear on his first day of kindergarten.

In an article appeared on Romper, a website for millennial parents, Katie Alicea shared the story of her 5-year-old choosing what is considered a traditionally girly backpack to wear at school. She also expressed her concerns about the possible reactions her son Isaac might face.

Alicea said she brought Isaac to buy school supplies and he immediately picked the WW backpack.

The Wonder Woman backpack

She wrote: ‘My first response to him was, “Are you sure?” Without skipping a beat, he replied, “Yes, I looked at all of them and I love superheroes the MOST and this Wonder Woman backpack is my favorite! It has a CROWN, Mom! IT’S PERFECT!” As he held it in his hands and ran his fingers over the golden sequined Wonder Woman emblem, I saw the look of utter joy on his face. I smiled, told him I loved it too, and we put it in the shopping cart.’

‘After he chose the Wonder Woman backpack, I asked if he was sure, not because the backpack bothered me, but because I imagined Isaac being made fun of at a new school when he has been so desperate to make new friends,’ she clarified.

Alice said Isaac, whom she called a ‘world-changer’, has been looking forward to being back in school.

‘It crushes my heart to imagine kids making fun of him, but as much as I want to protect Isaac from the world, I want to confidently release him into it even more.’

Gal Gadot’s reactions

Wonder Woman herself weighed in to express her support to Isaac.

‘Just read this article about breaking gender stereotypes by Katie Alicea,’ she tweeted.

‘Such an important topic and something I believe in so strongly. I hope Issac [sic] wore the crown and his WW backpack proudly to school,’ she also added.

With the goddess’s blessing, we’re sure Isaac’s first day back at school would be incredible.

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