Tommy Ahlers (Photo: Tommy Ahlers | Facebook)
A Danish politician has revealed that he is bisexual. Tommy Ahlers is the country’s Minister for education and research.
Formerly married, the 42-year-old is a father to two children. He split from his wife in 2012 and says he thought for some time that he was gay. However, he has since come to embrace his identity as a bisexual man.
‘The truth is that I’ve also realized that I like men and women’
Press interest in Ahlers’ private life increased after his Ministerial appointment in May. This led to him deciding to give the interview to Euroman magazine to discuss his bisexuality.
‘When people mention that they’ve heard rumors [that he is gay], I explain to them that they are not rumors, because there is absolutely no fiction involved,’ said Ahlers.
‘It’s true. But the truth is that I’ve also realised that I like men and women.’
He said he was giving the interview as he doesn’t want people think he is hiding anything. He also doesn’t want gossip to overshadow his political work.
Ahlers said he exclusively dated men after splitting from his wife, but began dating a woman last summer and they are still together.
Tommy Ahlers: Entrepreneur and TV fame
Ahlers was an entrepreneur who help co-found the successful mobile back-up business and social network ZYB. Vodaphone bought the company for $50million in 2008. He has since appeared on Lion’s Cave, the country’s version of Dragon’s Den/Shark Tank.
He sits on the Danish Government’s Disruption Council, which brings together successful business people, industrialists and politicians to coordinate ways to boost the economy and support the future labor market.
Twenty-five ministers make up Denmark’s cabinet. The current coalition government is largely made up of Vestre, Liberal Alliance and Conservative People’s Party politicians, but Ahlers is not affiliated to any one party.
See also
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