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Disabled, queer man goes viral with inspiring and empowering hashtag

Written by gaytourism

This Twitter user is on a mission to highlight #DisabledJoy (Photo: @menajew/@myyughh | Twitter)

A tweet challenging people’s perceptions of disability has gone viral in the last 48 hours.

Twitter user Andrew (@menajew) posted the following message on Sunday.

‘There’s a common misconception that you can’t be Disabled and happy. That you can’t express joy, and if you do, you must not be hurting or Disabled anymore.

‘I propose a new hashtag to empower us and show people otherwise: #DisabledJoy.’

The tweet, which includes photos of a smiling Andrew, has been re-tweeted over 1,000 times and liked over 4,000 times.

Andrew identifies as queer and disabled. In a second Twitter posting, he provided more information on this own particular forms of disability.

‘In case you’re wondering, I have a severe chronic pain condition and bipolar disorder.’

He also clarified that he wasn’t wanting to project the message that disabled people feel joy at all times, but encouraged people to, ‘Just share a moment when you did.’

Others welcomed the tweet and its message.

‘When my husband was first diagnosed with his auto-immune and started to walk with a cane, we decided we had a choice,’ said Caryn Downing. ‘We could spend every day being miserable or we could be happy that we had each other and enjoy the good things. It isn’t always easy, but we’d rather be happy.’

Spreading #DisabledJoy

The hashtag has now begun to spread. Other people are sharing photos and information on their disabilities.

‘Saw this tag #DisabledJoy and figured i’d try it! it’s meeeee a Queeer latino disabled boy living my best life. Spinal Muscular Atrophy who?? Don’t know her,’ tweeted @Battzmaruh.

‘Non-binary, queer, suffering from fibromyalgia but it has taught me to be grateful and find joy in every day moments #DisabledJoy,’ tweeted Emily Michels (above).

Majin Bourgeoisie (below) tweeted: ‘Queer, HIV+, dysthymic, and cognitively impaired. Still here, still looking cute when I wanna. #DisabledJoy’

‘Loving the hashtag #DisabledJoy! Our lives our worth living and they can be filled with as much happiness as anyone else’s. Here’s one of my most joyous moments last year- in the lavender fields of Provence. A dream come true.’

‘I love the #DisabledJoy posts! As someone who has an invisible disability, people are often telling me how great it is that I’m recovered when they see me looking joyful. So here are 4 pics where I was symptomatic af – but still so damn happy despite my pain.’

GSN has contacted Andrew for comment.

See also

This gay fitness instructor teaches classes from his wheelchair: ‘Disability is not inability’

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