To address issues related to LGBTQ community, a talk show ‘Born This Way’ was orgnaised in the city recently. Transgenders, experts and ngo workers participated in the session and talked at length about LGBT community, acceptance of their sexuality in the society and freedom to openly express their gender choices.
This was hosted by Vasudha Jan Vikas Sansthan in association with State Rainbow Society and Positive Youth Network.Transgender, gay, HIV and people with different sexual identities from across the state participated in the program. Transgender Noor Shekhawat, organizer shared, “Even today most people are not aware of the LGBTQ community. People believe that being gay or lesbian is a disease, while its not a reality. Like any other human being, we too, are humans. Unfortunately, due to mental stigma associated with the community, we are treated badly. We have to face challenges in every sphere of life.”
Manisha Goswami, president of Positive Youth Association, talked about the social impact of the hardships that these people go through. She said, “They are not being given basic human rights by their own family and friends. The result of this is that about 30% of the youth who commit suicide are from LGBTQ community.” Mona Sharma, director of Vasudha NGO, said that the government should not only provide medicines but also nutrition to the children suffering from HIV. Psychiatrist Arpit Sharma, who has been providing free counseling to the transgender community, also talked about the psychological effects on health.