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Here’s a handy way to tell if someone you meet is asexual

Written by gaytourism

Asexuality Pride marchers. | Photo: Marilyn Roxie / Flickr

Ever wondered how you might be able to tell if someone’s asexual?

Well, you could just ask them.

Or you could also look for a tiny little black ring on their right hand.

Ace Ring

Ace ring. | Photo: Eli Christman / Flickr

According to the Asexual Visibility and Education Network (AVEN), the ace (slang term for asexual) ring is always worn on the middle finger of the right hand.

AVEN states: ‘The material and exact design of the ring are not important as long as it is primarily black.’

It’s a phenomenon that started as early as 2005, according to the AVEN website forums.

Why do people wear asexual rings?

While it’s not essential, a lot of asexual people wear their rings proudly – even if few people get the reference.

Emi Salida, who identifies as asexual, is a YouTuber and a prominent activist.

She said in a video posted last year: ‘The ace ring for me is a symbol that I am not alone, even if I feel like I am alone.’

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According to Salida, there are three different types of asexual people – sex repulsed, sex indifferent and sex positive.

Ace people can also experience romantic attraction and be in relationships with people.

Salida continued in the video: ‘For me, [the ace ring] is the most reassuring and emotional thing.

‘I’ve noticed that since I have told a lot of people about it, they have their own black rings or looking to get their own,’ she said.

Salida also says she wears an array of asexual bracelets.

Or ‘brACElets,’ she jokes.

‘I barely ever leave my house without my ace ring’

Last week, AVEN took to Twitter to ask their asexual followers if they wear ace rings of their own.

In a hugely popular thread with almost 150 responses, many began posting photos, as well as reasons why they wear it.

One person responded: ‘I barely ever leave my house without it!’

Another said: ‘I don’t expect to get it recognized but I wear it for myself.’

Twitter user Sarah Elkins told Gay Star News: ‘I bought [my ace ring] because I am asexual and I wanted to have something I can wear that wasn’t a pin.’

See also:

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