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Hilarious video turns the US religious liberty task force into Ghostbusters

Written by gaytourism

Jeff Sessions as a Faithbuster | Photo: YouTube/The Late Show with Stephen Colbert

Late night host Stephen Colbert took a shot at the Trump administration’s new ‘religious libety task force’. With a Ghostbusters parody.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions announced the creation of the task force for the Justice Department on Monday (30 July).

The purpose of the task force is to ensure and implement broad religious liberty guidelines issued last year.

Numerous people and LGBTI groups condemned the task force. They said religious liberty is often used as an excuse to justify discrimination against marginalized groups.

Colbert mocked the task force in the opening of his show with an animated segment about the Faithbusters.

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The segment imagines Jeff Sessions as a member of the Ghostbusters — ahem, Faithbusters.

In the short video, the team goes after gay weddings, people of different religions, women taking birth control, and more.

‘When there’s a gay cake in your neighborhood, who you gonna call?’ the video asks in the familiar tune. ‘Religious liberty task force!’

The team’s car also boasts a rainbow flag behind a prohibition sign.

As funny as the video is, it’s also important to remember that religious liberty poses one of the largest threats to civil rights and LGBTI equality.

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