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Homophobic mom won’t let kids be in gay teacher’s class and his comeback is amazing

Written by gaytourism

Neri posing with Donald Duck | Photo: Facebook/Michael Neri

A drama teacher in Kidderminster, a town in Worcestershire, England, received an unpleasant wake-up call from a mother recently.

Michael Neri, 26, runs the Talking Props Theater School and is openly gay. It’s the latter fact that upset the mother and caused her to remove her children from his class.

She delivered the news via text, which Neri posted on Facebook. She said she signed her children up because of Neri’s ‘strong reputation for performing arts’.

‘I have recently learned of your lifestyle,’ she continued. ‘As a Christian, I cannot allow my children to be influenced by unconventional ideas. It is our belief that a man should marry a woman.’

Text from the mother

Text from the mother | Photo: Facebook/Michael Neri

At the end of her message, she requested her depost back in the form of a check.

A classy comeback

Neri chose to respond and his response to the mother and her reasoning is everything. All at once, he found a flaw in her logic and made a wonderful act of charity.

‘I would be lying if I said I was disappointed to hear this,’ he began. ‘I pride my students on the respect and love they have for others and their passion for equality. You would only be infringing on our family.’

Michael Neri text

Neri’s text – part one | Photo: Facebook/Michael Neri

He then goes on to wonder how his sexuality affects his ability as a teacher.

‘It wouldn’t effect [sic] a doctors ability to treat one of your children should they become unwell,’ Neri wrote. ‘I’m sure your children’s health would come first should they need emergency treatment, or would you need to check their doctors lifestyle prior to their life saving operation?’


His text didn’t end there, however.

Neri wished her luck in finding a new school, but ‘from experience I find that theatre without gays is like cooking without spices’.

He also challenged her beliefs, recommending the school StageCoach before stating teachers at that school ‘have been known to wear mixed fabrics which I’m sure you are aware is forbidden in the bible (Leviticus 19:19)’.

Michael Neri text two

Neri’s text – part two | Photo: Facebook/Michael Neri

His text ended with the news that deposts are non refundable. Instead, he donated her depost to Stonewall UK.

A hurtful message

‘When I first saw the message I had to read it through twice,’ Neri told Metro UK. ‘I believe that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but it was still a hurtful thing to receive.’

He further said the mother has not responded but if she changes her mind, her children are still welcome.

‘I certainly don’t blame them for the way their mother thinks,’ he commented.

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