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HRC: Mike Pence ‘poses one of the greatest threats to equality’

Written by gaytourism

HRC release The Real Mike Pence report. | Photo: Gage Skidmore / Flickr

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) believes Mike Pence ‘poses one of the greatest threats to equality in the history of our movement.’

In a new report, the human rights group slams the US vice-president for going ‘under the radar’ in Trump’s ‘scandal-ridden’ administration.

They’ve launched a website and video addressing Pence’s anti-LGBTI history.

Vice-President Mike Pence

Vice-President Mike Pence. | Photo: NASA HQ PHOTO / Flickr

This history includes previously joking with Trump about ‘hanging gay people’, opposition to anti-discrimination policies and opposing hate crime protections.

He also opposed legislation allowing same-sex couples to marry. The report states he said in 2004: ‘True conservatives believe, as I do, that marriage was ordained by God, established by law, that it’s the glue of the American family and the safest harbor to raise children.

‘And true conservatives also know that the only effective response to judicial activism at the state and federal level is a constitutional amendment that defines marriage as the union between a man and a woman,’ Pence said.

‘HRC is exposing the extent of Pence’s extremism’

HRC President Chad Griffin said in a statement: ‘Mike Pence has made a career out of attacking the rights and equal dignity of LGBTQ people, women and other marginalized communities.

‘Now as vice-president, he poses one of the greatest threats to equality in the history of our movement.

‘He has become not only the most powerful vice-president in American history, but also the least scrutinized. No more.

‘HRC is exposing the extent of Pence’s extremism, the threat he poses to equality, and all that we’re doing to combat his hateful agenda,’ he said.

The report hopes to shine a light on Pence’s history of anti-LGBTI views.

HRC also want to dispel the notion that ‘Mike Pence is the “rational” voice in this unhinged administration.’

Read the full The Real Mike Pence report and also watch the video here:

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