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Justin Bieber gets rear-ended in West Hollywood

Written by gaytourism

Justin Bieber gets rear-ended in West Hollywood

Justin Bieber has survived a rear-ending in West Hollywood.

He was in a minor car accident. Get your head out of the gutter.

The singer was involved in the altercation on Friday night down Sunset Boulevard.

He was repeatedly driving his Mercedes-Benz G-Class SUV when a Range Rover driver rear-ended him.

No one sustained physical injuries but cops were still called.

A police spokesperson said no report was made on the accident, according to E! News.

Video footage recorded by one observer shows the 24-year-old getting out of his car to ensure the other driver was safe.

He then gave a thumbs up that no one was hurt.

Bieber’s own SUV, estimated to be worth more than $100,000, only had minor cosmetic damages to its rear spare tie cover.

The Range Rover, on the other hand, bore significant damage to its front end.

Editor’s note: Yes, we know this is a pointless story. Here are three articles published today on Gay Star News that contain actual journalism. We admit, dear reader, we couldn’t resist writing that headline.

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