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Kansas rejects bill allowing agencies to deny adoptions to LGBTI couples

Written by gaytourism

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More and more same-sex couples are considering adoption

Kansas has rejected a bill that would of allowed adoption agencies to discriminate against LGBTI couples.

Same-sex couples have been denied the chance to adopt by agencies for decisions made on religious grounds.

The law allows same-sex couples to adopt and foster across the US’s 50 states.

But couples are being denied the opportunity by the so-called ‘religious freedom to discriminate’.

Kansas protects same-sex couples’ right to foster

Republicans in Kansas previously attempted to make it possible to block same-sex couples.

The Senate voted the bill through by a margin of 28 to 12, after discussing whether the legislation was inherently homophobic, the Wichita Eagle reported.

However, on Thursday (29 March) the House of Representatives blocked the bill and voted it down by 64 to 58.

Congress will now negotiate a final draft of the bill.

Legalising of LGBTI Discrimination

In comparison, earlier in March. Utah Senator Mike Lee reintroduced the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA).

Described as a religious liberty bill by Republicans, the legislation essentially legalizes discrimination against LGBTI people in the name of ‘sincerely held religious beliefs’.

The bill’s text states that its aim is to ‘ensure the Federal Government shall not take any discriminatory action against a person, wholly or partially’ based on religious beliefs and moral convictions.

It also follows the belief that sexual relations outside of marriage is improper.

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