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Lesbian couple star in McCain ad after gay men face homophobic abuse

Written by gaytourism

Female couple star in new McCain ad. | Photo:
McCain UK / YouTube

A female couple stars in the latest television advertisement for McCain, after a gay family in their previous ad suffered homophobic abuse.

The new ad called Here’s to Love features the same-sex couple cooking together and then kissing on the couch.

The voiceover says: ‘When it comes to love, what’s normal? Normal isn’t normal.’

It continues: ‘Love doesn’t care about gender.’

Lesbian couple kissing in McCain ad

Lesbian couple kissing in McCain ad. | Photo: McCain UK / YouTube

The ad features a diverse range of couples cooking together in their home.

The voiceover continues: ‘Here’s to every kind of love and every kind of special night in.’

Watch the new ad:

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Gay couple face homophobic backlash

This latest instalment comes about after homophobic comments flooded social media in response to a gay family’s story.

Lee and Mat Samuels-Camozzi, along with their two year old son Carter, featured in a previous ad campaign called We Are Family.

For a cameo of about two seconds, the family have dinner as Lee kisses Mat on the cheek, while holding the baby.

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The couple said people online called them sick, perverts and pedophiles.

On Facebook, one person commented on the video: ‘Is there any need for it to look cringey and sexual? I ain’t got a problem with same sex relationships but I don’t want it rammin’ in my eyes like that.’

And one simply wrote: ‘Done buying McCain chips.’

Lee told the Daily Record: ‘We’ve had dozens of hateful comments.

‘One of the most hurtful compared us to perverts, saying “Whatever next, society accepting pedophiles?” We’re shocked this kind of attitude exists in the 21st century.’

He added: ‘We’re proud of our little family.’

McCain then pulled the gay dads from the 30-second version.

A spokesperson told the Guardian: ‘There’s only so much you can say in 30 seconds.

‘Our campaign is all about celebrating the diversity of family life and not everybody’s a normal family.

‘We’re still promoting them, they’re in the posters and we’ve got them on social media,’ the spokesperson said.

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