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Lesbian couple surprises each other with double proposal and it’s so cute

Written by gaytourism

Showing off their rings. | Photo: Twitter @BerkleyCade

Keeping a marriage proposal a secret is a potentially risky idea. Why? Because what if it turns into a surprise double proposal?

That’s exactly what happened with Tori and Berkley. During a game of pictionary, believe it or not.

Here’s the scene: A group is playing pictionary at home. Berkley is up, drawing a picture and trying to make everyone guess what it is.

As the game keeps going, Tori slips off the couch and gets down on one knee, holding up a ring box.

It only gets cuter from there and it was all caught on camera.

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‘She had no idea!’

The look on Berkley’s face is priceless. She stands stock-still, completely shocked.

Someone off-camera says ‘show her’ and then Berkley leans over, grabbing her own ring box. The whole room bursts into laughter at the scene.

Perhaps even more hilarious, a guy calls out ‘time’s up!’ in regards to the pictionary round.

‘What?!’ Tori exclaims, doubled over with laughter. ‘This is a joke! This is a set-up!’

Turns out it wasn’t. Turns out, they had both been planning the proposals for months in secret and just happened to do it on the same day.

Tori’s plan involved the game of Pictionary, which Berkley was inititally resistant to play.

They celebrated the big moment on Twitter as well.

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