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Letter to the editor: LGBTQ humans are not a threat to your children

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Let’s talk about SB 99. Is this bill Montana’s version of Jim Crow laws? Why are some legislators so afraid of school children learning about human sexuality? That’s how all of us got here on Earth, remember? And some have been born with all kinds of differences: Down syndrome, autism, blindness and deafness. We educate them all and educate other students about their differences in a classroom where a professional discussion can take place. Isn’t that better than kids guessing the answers on the playground.

How Victorian not to educate about LGBTQ issues. Is it contagious like measles if a teacher explains LGBTQ to students? No. My daughter and I both worked for different gay bosses, and we didn’t become gay.

Ranch-raised Montana students watch calves being born, cows bred, and branding, all before they start school. Occasionally, a calf is born a hermaphrodite. Is SB 99 going to arrest FFA advisors if the anomaly is discussed in the corral with members?

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Let’s stop treating LGBTQ citizens like an epidemic. Make friends with a gay or trans person. Be curious rather than angry, I dare you. LGBTQ humans are not a threat to your children. They’re not contagious. If the state implements SB 99, the result could be almost as bad as the Spanish Inquisition.

Maggi Buttrell (age 92),


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