GAY global news

LGBTI people are significantly poorer than straight people in America

Written by gaytourism

A study has suggested that LGBTI people in America are significantly poorer than their straight peers.

Lesbian and bisexual men were worse off than gay and bisexual men – with racial minorities suffering even more.

Published by the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, the study found that while gay and bisexual men are more likely to be college graduates, their personal incomes were lower.

Women fared worse across the board

Lesbian and bisexual women were least likely to own their own properties. In that group, black and hispanic women were the least likely.

They are also more likely to be living on the poverty line.

The study followed 14,051 young people, who were followed from seventh to twelve grade, until they were 24 to 32-years-old.

This research highlights the wage discrimination being used against the LGBTI community.

The rainbow ceiling

Meanwhile, evidence is mounting that LGBTI people contribute significantly to businesses. A study earlier this year revealed that businesses with LGBTI people in managerial positions performed better overall and have better business outcomes.

The report, released by the Wisconsin LGBT Chamber of Commerce, found notable higher ‘levels of organizational performance, social and environmental corporate social responsibility, workforce quality and utilization, as well as high performance human resource management practices.’

The evidence may show benefits, but businesses aren’t capitalizing on it. Another study in the UK showed that gay men are ‘significantly’ less likely to reach high-level managerial positions.

It found that gay men outperform their straight counterparts in lower level managerial roles, the trend drops higher up in the career ladder.

More from Gay Star News: 

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