GAY global news

March with Pride – Jewish and LGBTQ Rights Belong Together

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The LGBTQ flag. Photo: Wikimedia Commons.

This is a call to action for Jews, LGBTQ people, and our allies.

In a world of growing intolerance, the voices of Jewish LGBTQ+ people and allies must rise stronger than ever before. This LGBTQ Pride season, we are called not just to celebrate our multifaceted identities, but to assert them boldly against those who seek to silence us.

This year, show up at Pride events draped in the Magen David, wave Jewish and Israeli Pride flags, and carry signs that shout our dual identities as LGBTQ+ Jews. We are here. We exist. And we will not be erased.

Standing Against Hate 

Recent alerts from the FBI and other organizations have underscored a chilling reality: agitators plan to disrupt Pride events across North America. These disruptors, masking their bigotry under the guise of “pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel, and anti-Zionist” rhetoric, have already marred LGBTQ celebrations. This happened to my group personally last week.

Their hypocrisy in claiming to fight for one marginalized group while attacking another cannot go unchallenged.

To those who spread hate: You will not deter us. The attempts to silence and exclude us, even from within our own LGBTQ+ community, only fuel our resolve. Our pride is our power.

Be Proudly Jewish 

We must be demonstratively Jewish in our celebrations. Wear that Star of David with pride. Let it be a beacon of our heritage, a symbol of our resilience. Our Jewish identity is not a contradiction of our LGBTQ identity, but an integral part of who we are. It is time the world sees us not as divided, but as a beautifully intertwined tapestry of resilience, love, and authenticity.

Our visibility is more than just a statement; it is a lifeline. When we stand proudly in our dual identities, we affirm that we belong. We assert that our rights and our existence are not up for debate. We demonstrate that Jewish and LGBTQ are not mutually exclusive identities but enrich each other in profound ways.

Taking Action 

Beyond the festivities, there is work to be done. Reach out to Pride organizers, mayor’s offices, and police departments. Express your concerns about safety and the need for a welcoming space for Jewish LGBTQ individuals. Our communities must collaborate to ensure that Pride remains a safe haven for all.

Document your experiences at Pride. Share your stories, your joy, and your struggles on social media. Use your voice to highlight both the supporters and the antagonists you encounter. In doing so, we build a digital tapestry of our journey — a testament to our presence and our resilience.

Celebrating Our Identities 

As we prepare to march, let’s embrace the power of our visibility. Let’s dance with the vibrancy of our history and the promise of our future. Let’s celebrate with the knowledge that our Jewish and LGBTQ identities do not dilute each other, but instead create a richer, more colorful fabric of who we are.

See you at Pride, my friends. Shine brightly, not just for yourself but for all of us who carry the weight and the joy of our intertwined identities. Together, let’s make history and remind the world: we are here, we are proud, and we will not be silenced.

Yuval David is an Emmy and Multi-Award-Winning Actor, Filmmaker, Journalist, and Jewish LGBTQ+ activist and advisor. A creative and compelling storyteller, on stage and screen, news and across social media, Yuval shares the narrative of Jewish activism and enduring hope.

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