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Men’s suit company facing major backlash for gay ad campaign

Written by gaytourism

Suitsupply under fire for ‘gay’ ads

An international men’s suit company is facing backlash in response to making a ‘gay’ ad campaign.

Suitsupply, based in the Netherlands, unveiled their new spring/summer 2018 campaign online.

The advertising campaign has gone on display in the brand’s 91 stores across 22 countries. It is also being brandished widely on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

It shows models posing as gay couples.

Complaints have been made to Suitsupply, accusing them of promoting a ‘gay agenda’.

Others praised the inclusive campaign.

NRC Handelsblad, a Dutch newspaper, reported the company has lost more than 10,000 followers on its Instagram profile after the publication of the adverts.

Before launching the campaign, Fokke de Jong, the founder and chief executive of the brand, said: ‘The attraction between people is an important part of fashion advertising.

‘A campaign featuring the attraction between men was long overdue and particularly relevant for our brand.’

De Jong admitted the company might receive criticism.

‘We do believe there is potential for negative impact, especially in countries where we have a significant presence, that are known for contrasting viewpoints.’

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